Ascent Credit Union Foundation assists organizations that benefit the communities in which the credit union operates by connecting volunteers and resources to needs. The four main areas of focus are:

Educational Development

Supporting and providing programs that improve access to improved education now and for future generations.

Environmental Education

Assisting in efforts to preserve the natural world around us.

Economic Development

Fueling our community’s economic health by supporting opportunities for small business and entrepreneurs.


Promoting participation and appreciation for outdoor recreation.

While the credit union is the primary source of funds for the foundation, we encourage members to help us increase our impact through direct donations. As the foundation grows, we can help more of those in need within our communities.

Listed below are the ways to donate to our foundation:
Scan the code below to use Venmo







Click here to use PayPal

Call our Help Center at 801-399-9728 or visit any branch to donate through your account