There are a lot of details to keep track of in our daily lives. This is why we believe your financial accounts shouldn’t be difficult to monitor or manage.
Today, we can provide you an accessible and secure means to monitor and manage all your financial accounts—credit and debit cards, loans, 401K, goal-based savings, and more—right inside your online/mobile banking suite!
We’re dedicated to helping you achieve your financial goals and providing great financial experiences. You’ll be able to get your financial bearings and make better decisions about your funds by using our new Finance Manager tools.
Getting started is easy. Just click on any widget, either along the top of the account list if you’re on a computer or along the bottom of the account list if you’re using the mobile app, read through the User Agreement and click I Agree. Then you can start linking accounts to really get going!
Here’s a breakdown of each widget:
- Spending – Displays all the existing categories of spending for the time period chosen.
- Budget – Categories are presented in a visual representation. From the category view, you can then drill into a sub-category and down to the list of transactions to view or update the data.
- Cash Flow – Displays the movement of funds in and out of your various accounts, helping to project your financial standing.
- Net Worth – Displays your accounts available, both accounts with Ascent CU and those you’ve aggregated from other institutions, in an easy-to-read chart that provides you with another view into your finances and financial health.
- Trends – Provides an overview of spending trends over a period of time.
- Debts – Uses the information available to calculate the payoff date of all liability accounts. It also allows you to modify your payment plan and to indicate an additional monthly payment amount to see the effect it will have on the timeline of being debt free.