Credit Card Do’s for Holiday Spending
Make the Most of Your Rewards
Some cards offer extra rewards on certain spending categories or during certain times. Check your current cards to see if any offer bonus rewards on those purchases. Ascent’s Reward Visa and Wildcat card offer double points on all purchases during the holiday season.
Use a Credit Card to Track Your Holiday Budget
If you’re trying to stick to a holiday budget, using your credit card for purchases can help. You’ll be able to look up your transactions and track expenses without having to do any extra work.
Protect Your Purchases With Extended Warranties and Purchase Protection
Some credit cards offer purchase protection and extended warranty coverage on certain items. For example, if an item has a manufacturer’s warranty, your card may cover it beyond the expiration date. And if an item is stolen or damaged, purchase protection may help you replace it. Ascent’s Visa credit cards come with Purchase Security up to $1,000.
Monitor Your Credit During the Holidays
The holidays are a busy time, making it prime time for identity thieves to take advantage of unsuspecting victims. Monitor your credit regularly to make sure there’s no strange activity going on.
Credit Card Don’ts for Holiday Spending
Don’t Spend More Than You Would if You Were Using Cash
One of the biggest dangers when using credit cards—especially during the holidays, when costs can add up quickly—is having a mindset that you can spend more than your finances actually allow.
Don’t Run Up Your Credit Card Balance
A high credit utilization ratio can hurt your credit score and make it more difficult to get approved for credit in the future. If you don’t have the income to pay for all of your holiday purchases upfront, be careful not to let any balances linger on your card.
Don’t Lose Track of Your Spending
It’s easy to get carried away with shopping while on a spending spree at holiday parties or buying gifts online with free shipping offers. But if you aren’t keeping track of how much you’re spending, things can get out of hand quickly.
Don’t Enter Credit Card Information Online From a Public Wi-Fi Network
Public Wi-Fi networks are risky places to complete payment transactions, or provide any personal information at all. These networks carry the risk that someone could be snooping to access your information without your knowledge.